Put your enterprise at the very heart of life sciences and healthcare innovation, surrounded by world-changing research and development and supported by a supply chain that delivers where and when you need it at affordable costs. Make critical advances and make it to market faster.

As life science and healthcare innovations move forward, the world is moving to Florida. Over 2,300 life sciences enterprises are prospering in Florida, which is now home to:

  • #2 largest medical device manufacturing cluster
  • #2 largest pharmaceutical manufacturing cluster
  • #4 largest biotech R&D cluster
  • #4 largest number of clinical trials

Now rising as a cluster location, the Heartland offers game-changing advantages to create, produce and deliver innovation at speed.

Focused And Flourishing Research and Talent Pipeline

The Florida Heartland delivers the workforce and resources for innovation with impact through:

  • A life sciences workforce of 150,000 in Central Florida.

  • Aligned STEM support at local K-12 schools supported by regional cooperation and strategic programming. See more at the Florida High Tech Corridor.

  • Leading universities engaged in cutting-edge research and student advancement, including:

    • University of Florida, where future biotech and pharma leaders get their start in the Biotility program at the UF Center of Excellence in Regenerative Health Biotechnology.

    • University of Central Florida, where the UCF Department of Biology combines research and educational resources in preparing undergraduate and graduate students for careers in life sciences.

    • Florida State University, where four core labs at the FSU College of Medicine expended $27 million in research in FY 2020.

    • University of South Florida, ranked for 11 consecutive years as one of the top 15 American public research universities for producing new U.S. utility patents by the National Academy of Inventors.

Bench to Bedside: Bringing Ideas to Life with Innovation Transfer and Entrepreneurship

Lower Costs, Location And Logistics To Keep Innovation In Flow

Affordable real estate and work-ready labor force create the right conditions for innovation; a central location and multimodal logistics keep products on the move.

Vibrant And Vital Healthcare System

Heartland healthcare is right where it needs to be, at the forefront of modern medical treatments in communities throughout the region, delivering local care with world-class quality.

Innovations don’t just happen.

The Heartland makes them happen. Let's talk today.

Innovations don’t just happen.

The Heartland makes them happen. Let's talk today.