Rural Renaissance Bill


The document is a memorandum from Senator Ben Albritton to all Senators, dated February 19, 2025, discussing the upcoming legislation for Florida's rural renaissance. ​ The legislation aims to modernize and support rural communities through various initiatives focusing on infrastructure, economic development, housing, transportation, education, and healthcare. ​

Key points include:

  1. Modernizing Support for Fiscally-Constrained Counties: Updating definitions and increasing funding distributions. ​
  2. Creating the Office of Rural Prosperity: Providing technical assistance and resources to rural communities. ​
  3. Establishing Renaissance Grants: Offering $1 million annually to counties with declining populations. ​
  4. Funding Rural Public Infrastructure Innovations: Supporting cost-saving technologies. ​
  5. Enhancing Rural Economic Development Initiatives: Grants for site preparedness and marketing. ​
  6. Adding Small Business Development Center Circuit Riders: Increasing support for small businesses. ​
  7. Maximizing Options for Rural Housing: Increasing SHIP allocations and preserving affordable rental housing. ​
  8. Enhancing Rural Transportation and Broadband Infrastructure: Expanding funds for infrastructure projects and improving broadband access. ​
  9. Improving Education Opportunities: Increasing funding for regional education consortia and creating supplemental services programs. ​
  10. Expanding Access to Health Care: Grants for rural medical practices, training for paramedics, and enhancing Medicaid payments for rural hospitals. ​

The bill appropriates $197.4 million for various initiatives and redirects funds from general revenue to support these efforts.